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Synergy Programming Update

Synergy has made the very difficult decision to suspend ‘in person’ programs beginning tomorrow, Tuesday, March 17th, for at least two weeks. We need that time to assess ways to implement the recommendations made by Alberta Health to prevent the spread of COVID – 19, especially the importance of social distancing. The notion of distancing socially is contrary to our Synergy values but our most important consideration is the safety of our youth, their families, our staff and volunteers and the community as a whole.

We will be exploring ways to remain connected virtually with our youth and the community. Counselling and wellness services remain available during this time at no charge, by referral, through Synergy staff.

The Synergy office will remain open Monday to Friday from 9:00am to 5:00pm and we welcome your contact via phone at 403-212-0242 extension 1 or through email. Please contact us, ahead of time, if you would like to come by the office to see us in person.

Updates regarding go forward planning will be posted on our website and via social media regularly. In the meantime, take extra good care of each other!

For Mental Health Support and 24-Hour Resources:

Kids Help Phone: 1-800-668-6868

Distress Centre: 403.266.HELP (4357)

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